Peak Season (Memorial Day to Labor Day) $32 per person per night Non-peak Season $30 per person per night
​ Marshall Baptist Association Churches Peak Season (Memorial Day to Labor Day) $26 per person
Non-Peak Season $24 per person
Day Guests (with dorm group) $5 per day
**We charge a minimum of 20 guests per dorm per night and a 2 night minimum.
Kitchen and Dining Hall
In conjunction with dorm rental
$100 per day
Marshall Baptist Association Churches with dorm rental
$85 per day
Not in conjunction with dorm rental
$200 per day
Marshall Baptist Association Churches
$100 per day
Small $50
Medium $75
Large $125
Marshall Baptist Association Churches
(Church Functions)
Small $0
Medium $50
Large $80
Challenge Course
Unfortunately, our course is closed. When course has been repaired
and certified, this section will be updated.
Kayaks/Canoes/Paddle boats
*Must be booked in advance
$100 per day in conjunction with dorm rental. Pool is available on check-in day from 3:30 - 5:30 pm for a fee of $100
and must be booked when reservations are made. For the remainder of your stay, pool hours are 1:00 - 4:00 pm daily.
Pool is not available on your check-out day.
$85 per day Marshall Baptist Churches with dorm rental
$50 per church for Sunday afternoon Church picnics available from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. Must book when reservations are
Pool Parties
$100 per hour - two hour minimum